What Keeps Me Going?

This is a difficult question as numerous things help to keep me going. I have a large “toolbox” to pull from depending on my current physical and emotional state. I used to think that I was on my own with fighting and navigating my illness. I now know that this is not true and I also have learned that life will be ok for my family if I am unable to walk and contribute on a given day. We work together as a unit to support each other indefinitely.

Doing things that fulfill me, making an impact, time for myself, and working toward the life that I desire to live. These pillars are instrumental in motivating me to have a positive desire to keep going. Continuing to be mindful, present, slowing down, avoiding judgment and comparisons are crucial in my ability to be happy. Meeting weekly with my psychologist is imperative to my well-being, even if I am having an entirely good week. This one-hour session allows me to focus on myself without guilt and continue to build my “toolbox” for when it is most needed.

Can I be positive and happy every day? Definitely not. Two powerful statements that stick with me are: “I have survived 100% of my worst days” and “this too shall pass.” When my pain levels and exhaustion are at a 10, these are the messages that I hear inside my head. Offering myself love and kindness is what is most needed. When I am feeling overwhelmed I do my best to pause, anchor my breath, visually make space, and allow myself to feel grounded to the floor. I hope that sharing my toolbox will help.